Contribute ========== Doc build --------- On project root: ``make docs-html`` Under ``/docs``: ``make html`` Use local codebeamer instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build the documentation with local codebeamer support you must set the tag ``local_dev``. This can be achieved by directly using ``sphinx-build`` insdie ``/docs`` folder: ``sphinx-build `-a -E -b html . _build/html -t local_dev`` This will execute ``needservice`` request during documentation build, what is not possible on ReadTheDocs servers or when no codebeamer instance is available. RST code, which shall be executed with the tag ``local_dev`` only, must be added like this to the documentation: .. code-block:: rst .. only:: local_dev .. needservice:: codebeamer :query: IN ('my_project', 'another_project')